Thursday, July 27, 2017




I found it surprising on how many people were prosecuted for downloading music. I remember the days of Napster. I was one of many that downloaded music—using old school dial-up internet. My dad used to become infuriated with me when he found out I was downloading music. He watched the news a lot more than me in those days. He was more aware of the severe financial situation the fines were causing families. I was convinced that everyone was downloading music, so it was very unlikely I would ever get in trouble. Well, I was never fined, but could have been prosecuted.

I don’t recall what internet provider that we used at the time, but they used some type of software that tracked the usage. My mother received an email, and certified letter stating that we had a set amount of time to permanently remove files and program from our computer—this is the first time I understood what an IPS address was. If we did not remove them the internet provider would discontinue out service and turn us into the authority. The program was Napster, and it listed 4-5 songs to remove. I remember one was a Lonestar song and the Ying Yang Twins. Needless to say—my dad flipped out and I lost my computer for a summer. I was more upset and concerned about what the fact that they knew what files were on my computer! So, when watching this documentary and learning the history of the situation during that time—I understand why my dad was so upset. He was frightened we could become part of the mass crack down on piracy.

I also thought it was alarming the information the documentary gave about Disney. I did not know that they had their hands in so many different entertainment industries. Also, that is was after Walt Disney died that the company pushed for different change in the laws.

I find that it is ridiculous that the different music companies are asking for royalties for songs in once they are reused in movies or another song. Now I completely understand downloading a copy of a song or movie without paying for it. However, once you have purchased that piece of art you should have the right to do whatever your will is with it. Does a person have to pay some type of royalty for cutting out letters and images out of books or magazines to create a collage or dream board? Why should someone have to fear getting in trouble in creating new art out of old art? If a person purchases the original songs then they should be able to create whatever they can with it. Mash ups are one of my favorite types of music to listen to. The largest concern is money is robbing people the opportunity to express themselves freely. Art is dying as it is—so, there should be an encouragement in getting new generations involved in art. There is no such thing as too much art.

Westboro Baptist Church happens to be one of the first groups that comes to mind when I think of free speech gone too far. They are known for their extreme view on abortion, homosexuality, and the soldiers fighting in the wars. They have had a case go to supreme court after they picketed at a Marine soldier’s—by the name of Matthew A. Snyder memorial service. WBC made absurd claims that the parents "raised [Matthew] for the devil" and taught him "to defy his Creator, to divorce, and to commit adultery". WBC cite and information link.

The cited link can give you all the details on the case. They were ordered to pay the family of the fallen war hero a settlement for damages. The WBC has been banned from Canada and the UK—for good reason. This group takes free speech way past the line of protection because they are spreading violence and hate speech. Which should not be okay, and thankfully the Supreme Court agrees. 

Above is my husband rocking his free speech! 




I view WikiLeaks as a very controversial topic. After watching the TED Talk I feel that Julian Assange is being very responsible in the way his team holds and releases information. The information is good for the people to know so they can be informed. My husband, who is prior military, does not like the WikiLeaks. He was convinced it was just a bunch of hackers spreading classified information. After watching this video, I realize that it is the ‘whistleblowers’ who work with in government and corporations that are passing what they feel to be valuable information. I believe that WikiLeaks is good and useful. Assange created a ‘safe space’ for people wanting to come forward with information.

What I like about WikiLeaks is that they just don’t put anything and everything they receive out there right away. They go through the process to verify the information. Now, what would make WikiLeaks bad? It would be if they begin to only show partial truths to persuade a group of people. However, I don’t think this is the will be the case at all. Assange appears to be genuine when he explains that he wants to give out this information so people can be informed on all the information about issues. I believe there is not enough whole truth in our media, thus I applaud Assange and the WikiLeaks team on the work that they do.

History is a fitting example of why this news platform is needed in today’s high-tech society. I don’t want to learn what is going on with in our government and world politics in a history book when I am helping my future grandchild with homework. I don’t want to learn the ‘truth’ after it is beyond too do anything about it. The overused expression—If I knew what I know now then… fits perfectly with life in general. We the people must be informed on what is happing with OUR government and deals with other countries. I think that it is our right to know.

Above are two links regarding Trade in Services Agreement that was being negotiated between the US and 23 other states, also I included the analysis of the documents. These are important things the impact our country which in turn impacts you, and me. I think we all would have a better understanding of what is happening in our world today. How can we the people change things if we don’t know what is going on? I also saw a very interesting article that I want to share and hope others read about Vault7. This will explain the power the CIA has in the technology world. What they are doing and can do is something out of a sci-fi conspiracy movie. 

It is ironic that those who want to suppress freedom of speech are the same people who want to keep secrets, yet know all of yours. I have always believed that the truth will all way see the day of light. It is hard today for the average Joe to know what the truth is in today’s technology driven world. I feel that if the government was always doing ‘shady-shit’ then there wouldn’t be an issue with transparency. The capability to spread mass amount information through the internet allows people of like minded ideas find each other. It opens the doors for information that we need to make well rounded and educated decisions that affect us. However, I understand the difficulty in finding where to draw the line when someone had gone too far with their ‘free speech.’

I had to deal a cyber bullying case with my son. There was a rap diss-track video created by a child that had been bullying my son. This video that talked about my son and how this boy was going to put him in a well, and that if Mikey—my son comes at him, then “Bang-Bang.” I viewed it as a threat at took it to the school and law enforcement. The other boy’s mother argued that it was his artistic expression, and he would never really hurt anyone. But what about my son? Calling him hurtful names, belittling him as a person, then threatens violent harm on my son. In the end, it was a seen as a freedom of speech—wrong and hurtful, but no the less it was art and there was no gun in the home and it was removed off of social media. Then you have the West Bureau Baptist Church showing up at military funerals. Their rights to feel how they feel and believe how they believe. Even though I don’t agree.

In the end, I firmly believe that it is not a freedom of speech issue, government, the internet, or a WikiLeaks issue. It is a human bean problem. Can you imagine what the world would be if people only spoke with LOVE and TRUTH!? This is why I believe in writing and my freedom of speech. There needs to be more people writing truths and getting them out there. I feel WikiLeaks is a step in the right direction.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

~Blog Project One~

Topic #2--Television Show

I for this project I wanted to shed some light on the positive cultural influences that television currently has. There is a show that is produced by Jennifer Lopez, Peter Paige, and Joanna Johnson that airs on the television network, Freeform. Freeform was once known as ABC Family until January 12, 2016 when Disney–ABC Television Group decided to launch the rebranded version of the network. Similarly, too many television networks today, Freeform offers an app that can be downloaded offering viewers the opportunity to watch their programs without having to subscribe to a cable company. This drama is an episodic series that I would classify as a serial program. First airing on June 3, 2013, this family drama is now currently airing its fifth season. I watch it every Tuesday at 8 pm Pacific time.

According to Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer, The Fosters got an 88%, and 96% of the audience like it. 

"Intelligent enough for adults,
accessible enough for younger viewers 
and entertaining enough for both, it's a great 
show for parents and kids to watch together, 
and will give them plenty to 
talk about."
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Gail Pennington

"On the basis of the pilot, the 
show does a slightly better than 
average job of turning off-the-shelf 
ingredients into something diverting
and occasionally moving." 
-The New York Times, Mike Hale

This show is breaking the molds of the Americanized families that we have all grown up watching. The dynamics in families nation wide have changed drastically from the "Leave it to Beaver" days of the 50's. It is nice to see a network that produces television that draws a positive message of unity among all people--, especially youth. 

The "Moms"--as referred to in the show, are an interracial lesbian couple. Stef is a white police officer who works at the same station her ex-husband--Mike. Thier son--Brandon, lives with Stef and her wife, Lena. Lena is a black woman who is a principal at a school called Anchor Beach Charter. This gorgeous school rest right along the beach in California. Brandon, along with his adopted brother and sister all go to this school. Jesus and Mariana are Hispanic twins that the Moms adopted from the state--after their removal from their drug addict mother. The couple adopted them at toddlerhood which gave a chance for the deep bonding and history to develop within the family. The Foster family grows when Stef and Lena decide to take in--then later adopt, Cali and Jude. 

The story line closely follows Cali as the main character, or lead role. Through out the seasons, there has been a lot of drama in each individual characters. Fast forward to the most current episodes, and we find well-developed characters that are deeply entangled with different issues that are seen in real life. Adult issues--parenting, work, and marital. Young adult issues--jobs, college, sexual identity, drug and alcohol, pregnancy, legal and so forth. 

I think of this show as, "If 7th Heaven and Modern Family had a baby, they would name it The Fosters." 

The way the writers tackle current issues reminds me of the show 7th Heaven. Like 7th Heaven, writers show empathy on issues to help teach the audience to think of situations differently in order to understand and 'accept those that are different.' This also offers comfort to the viewers that identify with the different issues. I would say that both 7th Heaven and The Fosters are on they are on the same emotional level. Where there are moments of comic relief, it is nowhere near the comical entertainment of Modern Family. Both shows are allowing the normalization, and voices of the 'different'--minorities in our society, to be broadcast to a large public audience--making them seen.

However, there are a few things that I believe that the writers should have done differently. The biological parents of Jesus and Mariana are depicted to be recovering drug addicts that could not raise the children. The father is a stereotypical Hispanic construction worker. Other minor characters feed into the racial stereotypes. A black character is the one having trouble with his older brother getting in-trouble with gangs and drugs. I recognize that writers are helping reconstruct the 'cultural norm' but they are failing when they continue to allow subconscious stereotypical message flow through the background of the story line. 

Over all this show is a revolutionary show that I believe is helping shape our American culture to become more excepting and tolerant.  It is teaching us that your income, sex, color, and sexual identification are completely irrelevant in the bigger picture. Most important, is love for one another. because we all are the same at heart and soul. The continuous themes I have recognized through out the years has alway come down to the ideas of--It is okay to be you, so be you.

I must include one of the repeated commercials that have been airing during this show--consistently twice an episode that last few weeks. I believe this ad re-illiterates the values of the show will targeting the family as a whole--parents and children.

Something a little extra.....

Thursday, July 13, 2017

~Week Three~ Topic 2



Samsung paired up with Tasty—an extremely popular video blog that shares recipes, seen on YouTube and Facebook. Samsung has a how to make Frozen Yogurt Bites. The twist is it is promoting Samsung Smart Refrigerator in the video. This ad opens with a mother looking at touchscreen that is built into a refrigerator door. She selects to view the digital calendar that reminders her of a birthday party. It continues to show a mother creating a delicious easy to follow batch of chocolate cover frozen yogurt bites for this child’s birthday party. With the aid of her smart fridge she can set the timer to let her know when it is time to move on to the next step in making the yogurt bites. Throughout this process the video gives clear important shots of the fridge—to promote its awesomeness. This add is clearly targeted to the middle and upper class busy families. When I saw the video I shared it, not because of the frozen bites—they do look amazing, but because I want a huge freaking cool smart fridge!!! The space, organization, and smart abilities would make any busy family want one. The fact that it centers around a preparation of a dish for a child’s party—were in the end of the video she serves the bites to the party attendees, shows that this is who Samsung was targeting. The fact that they teamed up the Tasty was an intelligent strategical move by their marketing team. Tasty videos are designed to be easy to follow how-to-cook recipes. I would assume anyone ever on Facebook has seen these videos in their news-feed at some point. Many I am sure are like me and watch and share them more times than I would care to admit. I would say there seems to be a touch of snob-appeal with a bandwagon effect type of persuasion going on in this ad. I say this because of the sophisticated and upscale product that is places in a large beautiful kitchen. Seeing this makes one dream of having something so fancy, while those that can afford it must have this amazing product—hints the snob-appeal. When viewing is ad in a video like this—the cooking ones that are shared thousands upon thousands of times, makes people want to get one to—in particularly when they see their friends posting comments and pictures of their smart fridge on social media. I think this was a great ad. I know it made me want to look into their product more and all those on my news-feed.
Sam's future fridge!!

I have been seeing the SAME commercial for over ten years now! I am sure it is one that we all have seen at some point. It has been running for over a decade. The save pets campaign that uses the Sarah McLaughlin song, “In the Arms of an Angle” This campaign is against animal cruelty. Which is NOT the issue. I am sure they must have had some success or they would not continue to be using the clip between infomercials in the middle of the night. However, it has now become an annoyance, and a laughing joke among many. “There is that damn song and poor animals, always making me cry.”  This ad has been using emotional branding to target the already sad and lonely insomniac for way to long. Yes was is moving and successful in the beginning, like 8 years ago. But come on already. The over use of this same old, same old, commercial has naturally lost its effectiveness. So please, someone come up with something better. I sure am not going to donate, so convince me in some other way that doesn’t involve me slipping into a depression, and causing me to eat my feelings at 3AM. 

~Week 3~Topic 1


11.      I did a search for Covergirl on Facebook and Instagram. Covergirl has nearly 4.8million likes and over 2.3million likes on their Covergirl LA Facebook page—a Spanish version.  On Facebook, they have a campaign going that celebrates diversity. They have trendy images of beautiful people of multiple races, and genders. There are make-up tutorials instructed by these different people from within their campaign. Covergirl’s Instagram account has over 1.3million followers. Right now, they have a trending hashtag that offers anyone the opportunity for being featured on their page. #COVERGIRLMADE pictures scaling from amateur to pro makeup artist flood their Instagram account. Amongst the sea of beautiful faces, Covergirl sprinkles images of their products. Facebook Link

   2.     I as I see the campaign I can confidently say they are killing it! I say this because when you look at their Facebook account, I see them using their brand to drive a grander movement. Covergirl is combating our societal issues that we are seeing in our country right now. Within this larger equality movement, they are a part of, Covergirl’s motive is to help to unify everyone with the use of their beauty products. Muslims, members of the LBGTQ, whites, black, young and old are all featured on their different social media account. This allows any customer to be able to look at this brand and identify with it. Covergirl is promoting equality among all people—which makes a customer want to be part of this greater good that they are promoting. Their target audience is everyone. They are particularly reaching out to video bloggers. Using their Instagram account, they are constantly looking for the next beauty blogger to bring onto their team. That is how they picked up ambassador Nura Afia a Hijabi beauty vlogger. Nura Afia Video

33.   I would love to see them get together with other toiletry companies and raise awareness to teen homelessness. Homeless teens fall through the cracks everywhere throughout the U.S. I would love for them to publicly lead by example, a donation to shelters also donating products for teens. Keeping these adolescents safe, feed, and feeling confident enough to get through school. And that education is the most important thing—maybe offer some scholarships. They are our future. I would love to see this issue be addressed by a powerful brand like Covergirl.