I view WikiLeaks as a very controversial topic. After watching the TED Talk I feel that Julian Assange is being very responsible in the way his team holds and releases information. The information is good for the people to know so they can be informed. My husband, who is prior military, does not like the WikiLeaks. He was convinced it was just a bunch of hackers spreading classified information. After watching this video, I realize that it is the ‘whistleblowers’ who work with in government and corporations that are passing what they feel to be valuable information. I believe that WikiLeaks is good and useful. Assange created a ‘safe space’ for people wanting to come forward with information.
What I like about WikiLeaks is that they just don’t put anything and everything they receive out there right away. They go through the process to verify the information. Now, what would make WikiLeaks bad? It would be if they begin to only show partial truths to persuade a group of people. However, I don’t think this is the will be the case at all. Assange appears to be genuine when he explains that he wants to give out this information so people can be informed on all the information about issues. I believe there is not enough whole truth in our media, thus I applaud Assange and the WikiLeaks team on the work that they do.
History is a fitting example of why this news platform is needed in today’s high-tech society. I don’t want to learn what is going on with in our government and world politics in a history book when I am helping my future grandchild with homework. I don’t want to learn the ‘truth’ after it is beyond too do anything about it. The overused expression—If I knew what I know now then… fits perfectly with life in general. We the people must be informed on what is happing with OUR government and deals with other countries. I think that it is our right to know.
Above are two links regarding Trade in Services Agreement that was being negotiated between the US and 23 other states, also I included the analysis of the documents. These are important things the impact our country which in turn impacts you, and me. I think we all would have a better understanding of what is happening in our world today. How can we the people change things if we don’t know what is going on? I also saw a very interesting article that I want to share and hope others read about Vault7. This will explain the power the CIA has in the technology world. What they are doing and can do is something out of a sci-fi conspiracy movie.
It is ironic that those who want to suppress freedom of speech are the same people who want to keep secrets, yet know all of yours. I have always believed that the truth will all way see the day of light. It is hard today for the average Joe to know what the truth is in today’s technology driven world. I feel that if the government was always doing ‘shady-shit’ then there wouldn’t be an issue with transparency. The capability to spread mass amount information through the internet allows people of like minded ideas find each other. It opens the doors for information that we need to make well rounded and educated decisions that affect us. However, I understand the difficulty in finding where to draw the line when someone had gone too far with their ‘free speech.’
I had to deal a cyber bullying case with my son. There was a rap diss-track video created by a child that had been bullying my son. This video that talked about my son and how this boy was going to put him in a well, and that if Mikey—my son comes at him, then “Bang-Bang.” I viewed it as a threat at took it to the school and law enforcement. The other boy’s mother argued that it was his artistic expression, and he would never really hurt anyone. But what about my son? Calling him hurtful names, belittling him as a person, then threatens violent harm on my son. In the end, it was a seen as a freedom of speech—wrong and hurtful, but no the less it was art and there was no gun in the home and it was removed off of social media. Then you have the West Bureau Baptist Church showing up at military funerals. Their rights to feel how they feel and believe how they believe. Even though I don’t agree.
In the end, I firmly believe that it is not a freedom of speech issue, government, the internet, or a WikiLeaks issue. It is a human bean problem. Can you imagine what the world would be if people only spoke with LOVE and TRUTH!? This is why I believe in writing and my freedom of speech. There needs to be more people writing truths and getting them out there. I feel WikiLeaks is a step in the right direction.
Why do you say art is dying? I do not think that art is dying but I think that consumerism kills it